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Non-Healing Foot
Wounds & Ulcers

Foot wounds and ulcers refer to open sores or lesions on the foot that fail to heal within a reasonable timeframe. These wounds often occur in individuals with underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes, peripheral arterial disease, or neuropathy. Due to impaired circulation, reduced sensation, and slower healing, foot ulcers can become chronic and susceptible to infections. Effective management of foot non-healing wounds and ulcers requires specialized care, including regular wound assessments, debridement, infection control, and advanced wound healing techniques.

patient getting foot wrapped for sprain treatment in Hinsdale and Glendale Heights

The Symptoms:

  • Open sores or lesions on the foot
  • Pain or tenderness in the affected area
  • Drainage or discharge from the wound
  • Redness or inflammation around the wound
  • Odor or foul smell from the wound
  • Difficulty in healing or slow healing process
  • Development of calluses or thickened skin around the wound

To learn more about wound care in Hinsdale and Glendale Heights, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Common Types Of Foot Ulcers

Neuropathic (Diabetic) Ulcers

Neuropathic ulcers, also known as diabetic ulcers, are a type of foot ulcer that commonly occurs in individuals with diabetes. These ulcers develop due to the combined effects of neuropathy (nerve damage) and peripheral arterial disease. Neuropathy reduces sensation in the feet, making it difficult to detect injuries, while impaired circulation slows the healing process. Neuropathic ulcers typically form on pressure points, such as the soles of the feet or around the toes, and require specialized care to promote healing and prevent complications.

Arterial (Ischemic) Ulcers

Arterial ulcers, also known as ischemic ulcers, are wounds that develop due to inadequate blood supply to the lower extremities. These ulcers often occur in individuals with peripheral arterial disease, characterized by narrowed or blocked arteries. Reduced blood flow deprives the tissues of oxygen and nutrients, leading to the formation of ulcers, typically on the lower legs, ankles, or feet. Arterial ulcers require specialized wound care in Hinsdale and Glendale Heights to improve blood flow, promote healing, and prevent further complications.

Treatment Options:

  • Custom Orthotics: Custom-made orthotics or specialized footwear can be designed to offload pressure from the wound site, reduce friction, and provide support and stability to the foot. These devices help promote proper healing and prevent further damage.
  • Debridement: Debridement is a process of removing dead or non-viable tissue from the wound. This can be done through various methods, such as sharp debridement, mechanical debridement, enzymatic debridement, or autolytic debridement. Removing the dead tissue allows for a clean wound bed and facilitates the healing process.
  • Wound Dressing: Applying appropriate wound dressings is essential for maintaining a moist wound environment, preventing infection, and promoting healing. Different types of dressings, such as hydrocolloids, foams, films, or antimicrobial dressings, may be used depending on the specific characteristics of the wound.
  • Topical Medication: Topical medications, such as antimicrobial ointments or growth factors, may be applied directly to the wound to prevent infection, control microbial growth, promote tissue regeneration, or facilitate the healing process.
  • Antibiotics: In the case of an infected wound, oral or topical antibiotics may be prescribed to eliminate the infection-causing bacteria. Antibiotics are selected based on the type and severity of the infection, and their use is tailored to each patient’s specific needs for wound care in Hinsdale and Glendale Heights.
  • Grafting: In cases where the wound is large, deep, or not responding to other treatments, grafting may be considered. Skin grafts involve transplanting healthy skin from one area of the body to cover the wound and promote healing. Tissue substitutes like bioengineered skin substitutes may also facilitate wound closure and tissue regeneration.

At Illinois Podiatry Specialists, we conduct thorough evaluations to identify the underlying cause of the wound and assess the patient’s overall health. Our team considers factors such as circulation, sensation, nutrition, and any underlying medical conditions that may affect wound healing. This allows us to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses the specific needs of each patient, aiming to promote optimal wound healing and prevent infection.

Other Possible Causes:

  • Poor Circulation: Reduced blood flow to the extremities can impair wound healing.
  • Venous Insufficiency: Inadequate blood flow from the legs to the heart can lead to chronic wounds.
  • Diabetes: High blood sugar levels can impair healing and increase the risk of foot ulcers.
  • Renal Failure: Impaired kidney function can affect wound healing due to poor nutrient and oxygen supply.
  • Hypertension: High blood pressure can negatively impact the healing process required further wound care in Hinsdale and Glendale Heights.
  • Lymphedema: Swelling caused by a lymphatic system disorder can contribute to skin breakdown and non-healing wounds.
  • Trauma: Injuries, such as cuts, burns, or fractures, can result in open wounds.
  • Nerve Damage: Neuropathy can reduce sensation, leading to unnoticed injuries and delayed wound healing.
  • Infection: Bacterial, fungal, or viral infections can impede wound healing.
  • Bedsores: Prolonged pressure on certain areas due to extended bed rest can lead to the formation of pressure ulcers.
  • Tumors: Abnormal growths can cause tissue damage and impair wound healing.
  • Genetics: Certain genetic conditions can affect the skin’s integrity and healing abilities.
patient with foot injury getting treatment for wound care in Hinsdale and Glendale Heights

Prevention Strategies:

  • Proper foot hygiene
  • Regular inspection of the feet
  • Maintaining optimal blood sugar levels (for individuals with diabetes)
  • Wearing comfortable and properly fitting shoes
  • Avoiding prolonged pressure or friction on the feet
  • Protecting the feet from extreme temperatures and injuries
  • Managing underlying medical conditions effectively
  • Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle
  • Regular exercise to promote circulation and overall foot health
  • Following recommended foot care practices and guidelines

To learn more about wound care in Hinsdale and Glendale Heights, contact us today for an appointment.

Wound Care FAQs

What types of wounds do you treat?

We treat various foot wounds, including neuropathic ulcers, arterial ulcers, and other chronic wounds. Our specialists focus on effective management and tailored treatment plans for each patient’s unique condition.

How do you determine the best treatment for my wound?

Our approach involves a thorough evaluation of your wound, considering factors like type, severity, and underlying conditions. We utilize advanced diagnostic tools and techniques to develop a personalized treatment plan aimed at optimal healing and infection prevention. Contact us for wound care in Hinsdale and Glendale Heights.

What should I expect during my wound care appointment?

During your appointment, our specialists will conduct a detailed assessment of your wound. This may include debridement, cleaning, and applying appropriate dressings. We also provide education on wound care and preventive measures to support your recovery. Follow-up visits may be scheduled to monitor your healing process and make any necessary adjustments.

Can I prevent foot ulcers if I have diabetes?

Yes, you can take several steps to prevent foot ulcers if you have diabetes. Maintain proper foot hygiene, perform regular inspections, wear appropriate footwear, and manage your blood sugar levels. Regular visits to your podiatrist can also help in early detection and prevention. Our specialists can offer preventive care strategies to help minimize the risk of ulcers.

What should I do if my wound isn’t healing?

If your wound isn’t healing, seek professional care promptly. Persistent wounds can lead to complications if not addressed. Our team will reassess your condition, adjust your treatment plan, and explore advanced options for wound care in Hinsdale and Glendale Heights to promote healing and prevent further issues.

logo for Illinois Podiatry Specialists who offer wound care in Hinsdale and Glendale Heights

Schedule Your Podiatry Consultation

Illinois Podiatry Specialists, with our team of board-certified foot and ankle specialists, is dedicated to providing personalized and comprehensive care for your foot health needs. Our experts will work closely with you to understand your concerns, develop customized treatment plans, and help you achieve your goals. With our commitment to patient care, we offer same-day availability, ensuring prompt attention to your foot and ankle issues. Don’t wait any longer — schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards optimal foot health.

Contact Illinois Podiatry Specialists Today

Illinois Podiatry Specialists Hinsdale
950 N York Rd, Suite 105
Hinsdale, IL 60521

Illinois Podiatry Specialists Glendale Heights
701 Winthrop Ave Floor
Glendale Heights, IL 60139


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Illinois Podiatry Specialists Glendale Heights

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